The primary focus of the Thwack Life Archery Addiction website is developing community and specific information for those interested in sport and recreational archery at any level. In order to do that, we need to provide information from people who actually KNOW what they're talking about. Definitely NOT always me. I do have a fair amount of knowledge on certain topics, but I am relatively new at serious archery, and I love to learn, and I want to learn from the people who really know what they're talking about. So, really, this whole thing is us building what I wanted to have when I was first starting out. From that perspective, I have to believe that I'm not the only one.
Why are we putting this out there? We are looking for informative content creators with expertise in all the various aspects of sport and recreational archery who would like to have another platform to share that specific expertise with the rest of us. You don't need to be an "Expert" on everything out there, but if there is a specific aspect of archery that you feel like you have a great handle on and you have the ability to show that expertise to others, lets talk.

Say you're really strong with arrow selection, building, and/or tuning and you are good at explaining it to others in detail, we want to share that. The same goes for sights, scopes, bow builds, rest tuning, stabilizer management, target panic, training drills, accessory equipment, strings, etc. You name a niche in archery, and we want that knowledge.
We will place that video or blog in the specific "LEARN" category for the knowledge it provides with all of the credit going to you and the links to your content and/or profile or channel. We want everyone to win from this dynamic. The Thwackers get to easily find the content they are looking for and absorb your knowledge, you get additional viewers and elevation of your expertise, and we get to make our members happy by providing them with an easy and comprehensive resource, which will hopefully keep them coming back and growing our community.
We are also looking for detailed reviews of new products related to sport and recreational archery, competition perspectives, range and shop reviews, detailed insights to the major archery governing bodies, and ideas on how to improve the world of archery for all of us. Help us make this something we can all be proud of and a resource we can all benefit from far into the future.