At this time it’s definitely indoor compound target archery. I have and love shooting my bare recurve as well, but that’s just blowing off steam mostly.
I love shooting my asiatic recurve with my thumb ring on horseback. Is it easy? Oh heck no, but that's part of what makes it so fun for me! I'm the type of person that chooses the most difficult skill and works to master it.
I do also shoot barebow recurve and have plans to eventually get an Olympic setup; but my first love is asiatic horseback archery. It's what got me into the sport to begin with!
At this time it’s definitely indoor compound target archery. I have and love shooting my bare recurve as well, but that’s just blowing off steam mostly.
I love shooting my asiatic recurve with my thumb ring on horseback. Is it easy? Oh heck no, but that's part of what makes it so fun for me! I'm the type of person that chooses the most difficult skill and works to master it.
I do also shoot barebow recurve and have plans to eventually get an Olympic setup; but my first love is asiatic horseback archery. It's what got me into the sport to begin with!